Never Ending Nights

For where there is light, There must be darkness, Neither can exist without the other...

The light shines on achivement...

Well this whole week been keeping myself busy... Working on some projects which one of them turned out good in my opinion... and so far things have been rocky and maybe even challenging... But I know I can make it through it...

Today I bumped into you in college... Was very pretty to see you again after so long... You looked as beautiful as ever... And really enjoyed the talks we had... Seeing you laugh after awhile made me feel really good inside... And I really hope you like your Birthday Present...

On another topic, 3 Piece Painting is having another gig on March the 13th, and this time we are Guest Stars! We were asked to preform for this Talent Show which is happening on that day and they needed a band/performers that evening and the band all agreed and we are in.

For more details on the event please follow this link to their Blog:

Well not much to say about today, but it was a good day, after I got back I was really tired but I was fine after my usual nap, so till next time readers. Jia Ne

Music of the Day:
Pretty Fly (For a White Guy) - The Offspring

Was a very old song my cousin was singing when we were kids and I didn't know the song name until now, and I remember how much his mum really liked the song and I just got curious, and to be honest it was really catchy lol