Never Ending Nights

For where there is light, There must be darkness, Neither can exist without the other...

I don't know...

Lately things for me hasn't been going so well for me... Been getting constantly sick... And also lately... I haven't been able to smile... I don't know why... I remember taking medicine to help with my angina problem and one day I forgot to take it and prolong the time before I took it again and caused me to be very weak and tired... the reason why cause I was late and I overslept when having my nap and I also was a bit in a rush...

Lately... I feel like my life is starting to fall apart... Having too much pressure on me... having to clean up the mess my dad left behind... trying to be the man of the house... and living up to the expectations of my mum... And the only thing that keeps me going is seeing you on MSN every once in awhile... Your always working till very late at night and sometimes... I wish I had your determination... Your strength... and your will to just keep going... And I'm not sure if you feel this too... but... I miss you... very much... But I hope that deep down... you miss me too... you were my guardian angle and you kept me from falling...

Well... That's all for today readers... My next update might be very soon... till then... Jia Ne

Song of the Day:
Love Story *Taylor Swift*

It is a very interesting song, it really reflects what is going on in my life and I really can't stop listening to it, ask my little sister how often to I listen to it. XD