Never Ending Nights

For where there is light, There must be darkness, Neither can exist without the other...

Anger Management...

Argh... another week... another way to get me really stressed out... Me and my dad are at each others throat right now and now we are barely talking to each other because of a lot of quarreling and a lot of disagreement here and there...

Also there has been a lot of hassle with college... my subjects were a bit mixed up... and also there are a lot of things going on this term and also there are a lot of problems with registration which made matters really worse I guess... But everything is mostly settled and also I'm happy about it and also a bit more stress free.

Also now my mum is home and I'm really glad she is, because everything is just falling apart right now... and I really need to talk about it to someone... I wanted to tell you about it... but this week is a busy week for you and I want you to concentrate with it and I don't want to distract you... But I know you can do it... Me has faith in you and I kow you can do it~!! Gambatte!!

But so far I've been able to control my anger better and if it wasn't for you and my mum I would not have made it this far... Thank you to both of you...

Well that's all for now readers, I wont post the song of the day cause I'm deciding on 2 songs at the moment LOL so in my next post it will be my conclusion ;) jia ne