Never Ending Nights

For where there is light, There must be darkness, Neither can exist without the other...

What is it that people think...

*sigh* its just another one of those days... Don't you feel that sometimes things just never seemed to go well and suddenly it goes all the way down?... Well that is what I'm starting to feel no a days... And just one thing got me thinking as well... Was I once like that?... mean... arrogant... unsociable... keep to my self all the time... Sometimes I wonder... what would happen if... I stayed the same way as I was before... But sometimes I try not to picture it...

Also that was one of the things on my mind... I've recently also been having slight chest pains as well... *sigh* and to think that it was over... but its like a boomerang and came right back at me... But not to mention my temper... Although controllable... People tend to taunt me more and more... and sometimes no matter how much I try to ignore and make all those harsh words they say go away... I just starts getting worse and worse... *sigh*

Lately I never know what to do now a days... My life seemed to be going well... But suddenly it just turns and bites me in the rear... BAH... I have to try and stay strong... And I have to keep on trying no matter what... I know I will get through this and take in the pressure... but the question is... how long?