Never Ending Nights

For where there is light, There must be darkness, Neither can exist without the other...

Its only natural...

People fight yes...
Some of which aren't intentional...
Some for disagreement...
And some...
For the sheer joy of making one's self feel better...

Fighting is natural...
People fight...
To prove that they are right...
To show dominance over the other...
To show that they are stronger...
Thus they fight to prove it...

But you know what?
At the end of it...
It becomes pointless...
Fighting never solves a problem...
It creates a much larger problem...
And it hurts...
All who you hold close to your heart...
Fighting is never the answer...
But some people never realize that...

My dear sister...
Now may be your most challenging part of your life...
A battle that one day will prove to be valuable for your future...
But remember this my sister...
Even though people fight...
That doesn't mean they don't love you...
And no matter what happens my dear sister...
I will always be here...
To support and guide you...
And no matter what...
I will always be here for you...

I promise...