Never Ending Nights

For where there is light, There must be darkness, Neither can exist without the other...


Lately things are becoming far too much for me to handle... Lots of things going wrong and lots of things are turning for the worst... I know I try my best to face them but sometimes I wonder if my best is good enough... Even I'm not sure... Not sure if my best is good enough...

I try to fly higher and ever atempt is a failiure... I lose controll when I start getting to high and I when I fall I may l0se the abillity to get up... I want to get up and try again but every time I try the more I lose the will to do it... And sometimes... I wonder if its worth it at the end of the day...

But I know what you might say... You would tell me never to give up... And keep on trying... Thats what I feel... And everytime you say those words I am always able to stand on my feet and try again...

To try and fail is not the route to failiure... But the only failiure is when you stop trying...

And yea better get back to class... breaks over...