Never Ending Nights

For where there is light, There must be darkness, Neither can exist without the other...

Life so far...

Well... It's been exactly 3 Weeks after I returned to college... and the feeling is good yet... I always feel as if something is missing... As if a part of me that was once there had suddenly disappeared... But no matter what I must not let that stop me... I'm doing well at the moment... And I have to keep on moving...

But besides the missing part of me... Everything seems to be going well... I started giving tuition to my cousin Roz so that he can hopefully get a pass or even a credit for his Intro to IT... I know the boy can do it... just needs motivation...

He kinda reminds me of how I first started in HELP and I can see the determination in his eyes... but we both had something in common when I started in HELP... We were both... LAZY!! LOL!!

But I know he can do it... He worked so hard till now and I know he wants to get through it... And I wish you all who are in the B'Psych Department and those who are overstressed this semester, I know you are all having massive amounts of Assignments and work... From what I have learnt from giving tuition is that Success comes in many forms... Some work hard for it but may fall in the process... Others may believe that its so hard to accomplish the goals which are handed down to you... And some... Maybe need the correct motivation to be the best that he/she can be (A bit like me)... But nothing is impossible... And even though you feel like life is picking on you... Don't think that way... for it will only carry you down... Hold you head high and keep focusing on your goal... For if you have the will to succeed you can... And all the best to all of you... GAMBATTE!!

P.S: Don't forget to take plenty of rest inbetween as well everyone LOL