Never Ending Nights

For where there is light, There must be darkness, Neither can exist without the other...

First Few Weeks of College...

I know I'm suppose to give a report on what happened on the "Friday the 13th" Talent Show event which happened last week... But I still have no news on who the winner was... So might update it in my next post about what happened... But right now I thought I'd just talk about how my couple of weeks back in college was...

Well I'm starting to like my lecturers and even though I might not be able to fully understand one of them... The subjects themselves are not that bad... but like I said... Started only a few weeks back... So I cant really give my full judgment...

Data Communication... Currently the class which I'm OK with I guess... Easy to understand and the lecturer is funny in a way and at least it allows me to keep awake in class with all her jokes and so forth...

Data Management... OK this class does remind me of some of my coding classes last semester... But it is slightly more complicated... And not just that... Sometimes I have trouble understanding what the lecturer...

More and more I feel I'm a bit more quite in college... Not as active as I was in my past few semesters... But I feel more focused on my studies and I feel a lot of changes in me... But I know its for the better...


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