Never Ending Nights

For where there is light, There must be darkness, Neither can exist without the other...

From fast to slow...

Well as the title says, lately I felt this term went by really really fast and suddenly it starts to slow down just a bit until if feels like the day stood still forever... Its just such a weird feeling... Things zoomed by and suddenly slowing down...

But off-topic I really enjoyed this semester... I felt a bit more confident in my studies (besides the times I fell asleep in class, only happened 3 times!!) and yea I worked really hard this semester... Doing assignment and discussing with friends... But the only down side to all of it was that I felt a bit more alone then I did in my past semesters... My routine was simple everyday... Go to class on time, go home, play game for awhile, study in the evening (sometimes I study while I play), have dinner, play/study/draw (depends on my mood) and go to bed... And when the foundation had their holidays I kept coming to class on time instead of early like I usually do to get parking cause there were more parking spaces then usual... But this semester was pretty new... I felt like I was on a new journey... I felt a bit older (no duh a year went by) and a bit more determined... I cant really explain it but maybe I will one day...