Never Ending Nights

For where there is light, There must be darkness, Neither can exist without the other...


Lately things always seem to pop-up into my mind... And a lot of things just doesn't seem to add up... Went rollerblading to just release some tension and release stress... But there are a lot of things I want to do but either its not the right time... or the place... or moment to do so...

As I accelerate on my skates always trying to stop in time... but sometimes never succeeding and I can put a lot of my life into it... Sometimes I want things to go faster but sometimes if I over do it I'll fall and hurt myself... Same as what happened when rollerblading... I should take things slow and easy and not to over do what I have done to keep things from falling apart... And I should never be over confident as well... for it will also lead to my self destruction...

There is always something on my mind which I'm always willing to say but right now... Not the right time to say it... But I don't mind waiting...