Never Ending Nights

For where there is light, There must be darkness, Neither can exist without the other...

Sick Days...

For the past two day I've been in a very sick state... And to be honest I still am in a sick state... More towards dizzy actually... I cant really explain how I got sick... Just suddenly 2 days ago I felt something terrible wrong with my body... and I think I worried you my angel... and the 2 nights ago I was really sick and I couldn't sleep at all... I felt so warm... burning up real bad and I couldn't stop it... I felt like I was going to die... and weird images in my head... made the matter a lot worse... its during these times which makes me miss you a lot more then usual my angel... and I also wish my mum was here too so that she can take me to the doctors... my dad was too busy with his party that he forgot how sick I was... and what more he wanted me to entertain his guest which they can all clearly see that I wasn't feeling well to do anything... my grandmother wanted me to go home to get some rest... even my uncle said I started to look pale... but my father insisted that I stay at the party and also to make sure I can carry all his presents and food home for him... after I got back I felt so tired that I changed to my pajamas and went straight to bed hoping that this nightmare would end...