This is all bullshit! This is too much stress for me to handle in the mean time... Too much to think... Too much to do... and Too much little time to do it in... I just feel like stabbing myself with a dagger and just cutting it out... I feel like there is just too much pressure that people are putting on me which I cant handle with... And from her especially... I was having meeting that time and I didn't want to go out doesn't mean you HAVE to come meet me and find out where I am 24/7 I want to be alone and discuss what needed to be done with my group and you making a fuss about it didn't help... It just put more pressure on me... There is just too many things this year which I have to do and I can't be distracted... No I ain't going to take your Bull@#$% I just want to be my own self... I want to be able to focus what I'm doing and I want to supported not ridiculed and put down... I just need... Someone to be there and not let me feel this pain... I want to be happy... I want to be stress free... I want your support... I want your familiar faces... And I want.... The courage I had years ago in me to be able to do what I could before...
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